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The Three Biggest Mistakes Not To Make After A Car Accident

Man texting while behind the wheel.

Being involved in a car accident is an absolutely terrifying experience, but knowing the best steps to take afterwards can make all the difference. After such a traumatic event, it's easy to get overwhelmed and forget important safety measures to ensure your wellbeing. This blog post explores the three biggest mistakes you should avoid making after a car crash so that you can navigate this difficult time as safely and effectively as possible. Read on for helpful advice that could save you from a headache when pursuing a car crash claim.

Mistake #1: Leaving The Scene

If you’re involved in a vehicle accident, even if you are at fault, do not leave. Texas law requires you to stop your vehicle and exchange driver’s license information with the other driver or drivers involved in the accident. If the police have been called, you must also wait for them to arrive so that you can make a statement, as there may be proceedings that stem from the accident. Speaking of the police, that leads us to mistake #2.

Mistake #2: Not Calling The Police

After an accident in Texas, you are not required to call the police. However, calling the police can be a good idea after an accident to get witnesses and make an official statement after the accident. This can help your case as it will create a neutral third party who can be used in any proceeding trials you may have that stem from the accident. A police officer will collect statements, document evidence, and can identify and arrest drunk drivers if your accident involves one.

Mistake #3: Not Contacting A Lawyer

After an accident, there is a flurry of paperwork, letters, and forms. A skilled attorney will be able to help you navigate through these and help you to determine if there are any paths forward with seeking damages for injury and damage caused to you and your vehicle.

Amarillo Personal Injury Attorneys

If you’ve been in an accident and need a personal injury attorney, the skilled attorneys at Wood Law Firm LLP can help. With 30 years of combined experience, they can help you understand your options and guide you through your case. Contact us today for a free consultation.
