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Where Are a Trucker’s Blind Spots?

Truck rear trailer blind spot warning

It’s no secret that 18-wheelers have terrible visibility. They’re taller than other vehicles, and they’re longer, meaning drivers are usually limited to seeing what’s in their mirrors. Unfortunately, many drivers aren’t aware of a truck’s unique blind spots and can find themselves forced off the road when a truck changes lanes. So, where exactly are a truck’s blind spots? Let’s find out.

What Is The No-Zone?

Truck blind spots are also called “the no-zone” because the truck drivers cannot see anything that enters this space. That means truckers must be constantly vigilant of their surroundings, looking in their mirrors and keeping track of every car that enters and exits their no-zone.

To get a better understanding of the no-zone, take a look at the graphic below. The areas of zero visibility are marked in yellow.

trucking blind spot infograph

What Does It Mean?

Using this, we find that truck drivers can’t see objects to their immediate front or rear. That means if a car is following too close and pulls out behind the truck driver, they can go unseen as they move from one blind spot to another. At the same time, if a driver merges too close to the front of an 18-wheeler, the truck driver won’t be able to see them or their brake lights.

Also notice the blind spots on the sides of the truck. Because of how the mirrors are shaped, truck drivers cannot see traffic to their immediate right. Additionally, drivers usually can’t see cars directly beneath their cab.

When driving alongside an 18-wheeler, it’s wise to remember that the driver can only see you if you can see their face in the mirror. Getting that visual is one of the best ways to ensure the truck driver knows where you are and won’t try to change lanes while you’re driving next to them.

If you or someone you love suffered severe injuries in an 18-wheeler crash, you might have a case. If you’d like to schedule a free case consultation with an experienced Amarillo 18-wheeler accident attorney from Wood Law Firm LLP, please send us an email or call (806) 304-0447.