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Is Your Lower Back or Neck Pain a Result of a Car Accident?


If your lower back pain or neck pain were caused by a car accident, you may be able to recover compensation to pay for treatment and your lost income. After an accident, it’s easy to treat neck or lower back pain as an insignificant and expected repercussion. It could have been worse. You could have died or suffered a catastrophic injury, such as brain injury or amputation, or something else that required a lengthy hospital stay. If the pain was delayed, you may not even realize it was caused by the car accident. But neck and lower back pain can have a huge impact on your life, and your finances, even if you were never hospitalized. Here in Amarillo, Wood Law Firm can help you recover the compensation you deserve.


So maybe you weren’t in a coma, didn’t break any bones, didn’t even “need” to see a doctor after your accident. That doesn’t mean you weren’t hurt. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have seen a doctor, and it doesn’t mean your life hasn’t been changed forever.

Neck and lower back pain can creep up on you. Either one can affect your quality of life, preventing you from participating in the activities you used to enjoy and making everyday tasks, like tying your shoes or taking out the trash, a misery. Back and neck pain can also affect your ability to earn a living. You may have to quit your job, or you may try to muddle through only to discover that you no longer perform at your pre-accident level and can’t earn what you used to.

If you are living with neck or lower back pain after a car accident, you need help. Please, call the Amarillo car accident lawyers of Wood Law Firm, LLP, at (806) 304-0447 or contact us online today to schedule your free consultation.
